Our Blogs

It’s Time to RESET: Answering, “What do I get out of therapy?”
For the past few months, I’ve been unpacking the acronym RESET to help you see if you or a loved one should see a therapist. In each blog, I’ve talked about what restlessness, over sensitivity, emptiness, and tiredness feel like and how therapy can help relieve those types of suffering. All too often, someone will tell me, “But Dr. Rachel, I’m not suffering enough to need therapy.”
Hey, you’re suffering. That’s enough. You shouldn’t push through your pain, but instead RESET with a therapist so you can find REST.

It's Time to RESET: How Therapy Helps Tiredness or Low Energy
Welcome to the second to last blog in the "It's time to RESET," blog series, where I unpack the RESET acronym and talk about when it's time for you or someone you love to see a therapist. For this blog, I am going to unpack what it feels like to be Tired or have low energy, and show how therapy can help.

It's Time to RESET: How Therapy Helps Feelings of Emptiness
If you’re wondering if it’s time for you or a loved one to see a therapist, you’ve come to the right blog. This is a part of my "It's Time to RESET," blog series, where I unpack the RESET acronym and talk about when it's time to pursue therapy. For this blog, I’m diving into what it’s like to experience feelings of emptiness and showcasing how therapy can help.

It’s Time to RESET: How Therapy Helps Over-Sensitivity
Welcome to the it’s time to RESET blog series, where I unpack the RESET acronym and talk about when it’s time for you or someone you love to see a therapist. For this blog, I will dive into what it feels like to be over sensitive and show how therapy can help. If you missed the opening blog and you’re interested in what RESET means, check out my previous blogs, (It’s time to RESET: Answering, “How do I know I need therapy?”) and (It’s time to RESET: How therapy helps restlessness).

It’s time to reset: How therapy helps restlessness
Welcome to the “It’s time to RESET,” blog series, where I unpack the RESET acronym to talk about when it's time for you or someone you love to see a therapist. For this blog, I will dive into how it feels to be Restless and show how therapy can help. You know that guy at the circus twirling plates above his head as they delicately balance on the end of a stick? Being restless feels something like that. Most things in life feel like one of those plates, constantly spinning, and if you don’t focus on it, it will fall and break on the ground. But there isn’t just one plate. There are several.

It’s Time to RESET: Answering, “How do I know if I need therapy?”
Few people feel like it’s time to see a therapist and get help. Often, we think, “I’m not suffering enough to see a therapist.” We feel like if we just had our shit together, we could handle whatever is causing us pain, so we should try to help ourselves first. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
How do you know if you need therapy?
It can be hard to identify if you or someone you care about needs to find a therapist when you don’t know what to look for. I use this handy acronym to identify if someone needs to start therapy to make it easier.

3 Ways to Increase Self Respect
So many of the clients I work with want to feel more confident and worthwhile, but they don’t know where to start. Sometimes, we feel like we could love ourselves instantly if we just did the right thing. In reality, we have to take time to build up our relationship with ourselves by learning what we need and earning our own respect. To help you build your relationship with yourself and feel worthwhile, here are three things you can fold into your routine to help increase your self-respect.

Five Ways to Manage Your Stress
Stress affects us on a deeper level than we often recognize. We feel it in our bodies, tightening our muscles and draining our energy. It comes out in our relationships with us accidentally snapping at loved ones and even hurts our relationship with ourselves.
The key to managing stress is making life changes that help us have a better mindset. So here are five practical, ‘wow, I can actually do these things’ kinds of steps you can take to feel less stressed.

How to Create Healthy Boundaries in Three Steps
Let’s face it, people can be scary. Saying, “I am changing my boundaries and need you to accept that,” is an intimidating prospect to say the least. We might worry that we’ll disappoint someone, that they won’t accept our boundary, or that they won’t take us seriously.
Luckily, it isn’t up to others what our limits are. It’s up to us, and to truly start creating healthy boundaries, we need to communicate them.