Online & Virtual Therapy & Counseling Services for Perfectionism
Perfectionism Therapy
Reclaim Your Inner Peace
Therapist for Perfectionism: Overcoming the Effects of High Expectations
Are Your Too-High Expectations Destroying Your Inner Peace?
You wish you could be ok with “good enough” but it just does not seem to be in your biology. You find yourself losing minutes and sometimes hours with checking and re-checking the spelling of an email, the placement of a picture, or researching just one more option before you make a decision. You get to a point where you are starting to feel frustrated with yourself yet paralyzed and cannot seem to move forward. How does everyone else seem to do this so easily?
What is perfectionism?
One definition of perfectionism includes a person’s concern for flawlessness and perfection, accompanied by critical thoughts toward self and others. Sometimes, people call this personality characteristic as having “high standards” and the thought of lowering these standards is outrageous. But the thing is there actually IS a difference between high standards and perfectionism. ‘Perfect’ does not exist. It never has and it never will. So, let’s work together to identify ways you can stop beating yourself and others up over never achieving it. Let’s take some of the pressure off.
Why you might struggle with perfectionism?
Though there are a handful of reasons why you might struggle with perfectionism or be overly critical of yourself and others, the most common reason is low self-worth or low self-esteem. The perfectionism then is a way to compensate for these low views of self, trying to PROVE your worth to yourself and/or to others. But you don’t need to prove yourself to ANYONE. You just need to be OK with you. We can work together to strengthen this skill.
What can perfectionism look like?
Because perfectionism can look like a lot of different things depending on why it is present, the following are only a sample of the most common ways perfectionism can show up in your life:
Preoccupation with how others view you
Checking and re-checking behaviors
Frequent research and gathering opinions before making a big decision
Needing reassurance from others
Disappointment when something “goes wrong”
Frustration when someone does something differently than you
Extremely critical statements, either seriously or sarcastically, about yourself or others
Feelings paralyzed and/or overwhelmed
Fear of failure or regret
Perfectionism in the Workplace
Perfectionism can show up through one’s work very easily. For example, some people stress over getting the presentation “just right” or get annoyed when a colleague has a typo to a client in an email. Thoughts like “I might as well have done it myself” may run through your head. This quickly can turn into an over-burdened workload and negative collegial relationships, though.
To avoid your workplace from being bombarded with perfectionism side effects, begin by checking yourself. Some questions to ask yourself include:
Is it a big deal?
Are there other reasons why this could have happened other than negligence?
How likely is it that others even noticed?
If you ask yourself these questions, and you are still bothered by what happened…ask yourself why it bothers you. If you need help going deeper, I would love to help you!
Overcoming Perfectionism in Romantic Relationships
Two examples of how perfectionism can show up in romantic relationships:
You may find yourself so worried about “picking a life partner” that you read into every word or action and judge it as “positive” or “negative”. You are constantly tallying your pros and cons because you don’t want to get in too deep if this is the “wrong” relationship for you. You ask trusted friends and family what their opinion is and make a mental note of their reactions. The information, though, is back-firing because there are too many contradictions. What are you “supposed to be” thinking and feeling right now?
Maybe you are already married, and you plan a romantic get-a-way just for the two of you. Much to your dismay, you got lost on the way there because of road construction, the hotel room was dirty, and the park you thought was open until 9pm, closes at 6pm. So much for relaxing. You are feeling stressed and mad and this comes out and is directed toward your partner. The weekend continues to go downhill from there. You are trying not to take it personally, but you worked so hard to get everything right, why didn’t it work out?
Perfectionism in romantic relationships can be particularly challenging because it is asking the impossible from not one, but two very imperfect people. When there is the pressure for things to go perfectly, the focus is no longer on the other person and your feelings for them, but rather on the task or situation at hand. This can unintentionally create barriers in your relationship and make things feel impersonal.
Approach in Therapy for Perfectionism in Minnesota
We can work together to increase your ability to focus on what is inside your control and prioritize what really matters for you. By staying focused on these things, you can develop and sustain meaningful romantic connections.
Perfectionism in Parenting
OOFTA this is a TOUGH ONE! As you know, there is no parenting guidebook. If there was, you would have bought the book and the workbook by now. All there is for guidance is “your best” and if you struggle with perfectionism, those can be some of the most terrifying words you will ever hear. How hot should the bath water be? Is tough love good for kids’ emotional development? How many chores are too many chores? When should they be allowed to date?
Parenting & Perfectionism.
Parenting is probably one of the BEST and WORST ways to challenge your perfectionism. It is the best because it is a constant reminder that life is complicated, messy, and everyone is different. It is the worst for these exact same reasons. It can be painful and exhausting to have a never-ending reminder that the world is not as black-and-white as you would like, or that there is no “grade” for this experience. You have to create your own guidelines and gauge your own success.
Can perfectionism be passed on to my kids?
It is important to work on overcoming your own perfectionism so your children do not witness and learn the same patterns, and/or internalize what “good” and “success” means according to your measuring stick. It is also important so that as they continue to age, you are not afraid to let them try and live and experience, even if things do not end up perfectly. If you continue to worry, monitor, and restrict into their teenage years, this could cause a whole host of other concerns for them.
Getting Support.
It is OK to ask tough parenting questions, wonder if you are “doing it right”, and worry about negatively impacting your kids. Just be mindful not to get too “in the weeds” with research, finding the “best” of everything, or comparing your family to another’s. If you are doing your best, that is all you can do; I will be here to support you and remind you that that IS ENOUGH.
How a Therapist for Perfectionism in Minnesota Can Help
Perfectionism can be a lonely endeavor, especially if you are trying to combat it on your own. My approach to helping you overcome perfectionism is two-fold:
First, I will work with you to develop some tools to begin to think differently about yourself, others, and situations. Our thoughts and emotions are more connected than not, so this ought to give you some relief.
Second, since perfectionism is likely the result of something much deeper going on, I would love the opportunity to explore what that might be for you. Let’s target the real issue here, not just the symptoms. This exploration can feel scary and like some emotional heavy lifting, though, so we will go as slow or fast as you are comfortable with.
Together we will create goals tackling the rigid mental components of perfectionism as well as explore and process some of the emotional foundations. Collectively, this will increase self-esteem, confidence, and a sense of control, while simultaneously decreasing fear, frustration, and criticism.
If you are sick of feeling controlled by your thoughts and emotions instead of being IN control of them, contact me today. Perfectionism can be stressful and tends to violate a lot of boundaries. If you are experiencing this, I also offer stress management and healthy boundaries counseling, all through my online counseling business.

Getting Started With Me
Getting set up with your free 20-minute phone consultation is as simple as clicking the button below. Put in some basic demographic information and schedule an appointment time for a phone call at your convenience. I will call you on the scheduled day and time. During this phone call, I will ask some background questions assessing for personality and clinical fit. Feel free to bring your questions for me to answer, too! I look forward to hearing from you!
Frequently Asked Questions
You can expect to talk about some of your personal beliefs and expectations, along with where they come from. You also can expect to be gently challenged and asked to feel some uncomfortable emotions as they come up. Counseling is not for the faint of heart, but fear not - we will go at your speed!
The average length of treatment for perfectionism counseling is about 10 sessions.
Absolutely! A lot of the tools to combat perfectionism can be discussed through talk therapy in your virtual appointment.
Some of the most common signs that someone is struggling with perfectionism include:
Frustration when someone does something different from you
Spending a lot of time thinking and researching before taking action
Fearing making the “wrong” choice
Making critical statements toward self or others
Perfectionism counseling can benefit anyone who has difficulty dealing with their perfectionistic tendencies and the problems they cause. It is also beneficial for individuals who are struggling with work or school-related stress, procrastination, and low self-esteem.