Our Blogs


How to Create Healthy Boundaries in Three Steps

How to Create Healthy Boundaries in Three Steps

Let’s face it, people can be scary. Saying, “I am changing my boundaries and need you to accept that,” is an intimidating prospect to say the least. We might worry that we’ll disappoint someone, that they won’t accept our boundary, or that they won’t take us seriously.

Luckily, it isn’t up to others what our limits are. It’s up to us, and to truly start creating healthy boundaries, we need to communicate them.

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Why is change so hard?

Why is change so hard?

Change is one of the only constants in the universe. But if that’s so, why does it seem to be so challenging when we desire it so much? Take your New Year’s Resolutions as a prime example. Maybe you set a goal to lose weight, or to meditate more, or to spend/save money. How long did that last? A few of us make a goal and stick to it when we set out to do the thing. But the majority of us? We are good for a bit and then we resort to old patterns and find ourselves in the same routines. This can be frustrating and downright defeating. Have you ever thought to ask “why” change is so hard? The answer…

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